Blog-Let's Understand Homeopathy.

Why Choose Homeopathy? Personalized Healing Explained

Why Choose Homeopathy? Personalized Healing Explained

Are you healthy? It takes huge courage to answer this question with conviction. Definitely this question must have made you look into your life for a while & you must be stuck in the maze of complex thoughts. 

Well, being healthy is a simple process but we have made this whole process complex. 

Lets understand what it takes to be healthy and how homeopathy can make this process easy for you. 

Personalized Treatment – Homeopathy understands individuality. It means the medicine which we prescribe is different and unique for each individual suffering from the same disease. Homeopathy believes that every person has a unique story,unique approach to deal with the things and diseases.Their symptoms of disease are different from each other if you look closely.

Yes Let’s understand this with a simple example – Person A and B are suffering from fever. A is thirsty during a fever episode and B is not at all thirsty during his fever episode. However, A and B are suffering from acute fever illness. So the intention to understand this is that homeopathy takes note of every matter that matters to you. Homeopathic Case taking is itself a therapy which allows you to look close into your life to see what went wrong. It is a journey which connects you to yourself. 


Targeting Root Cause – Pain is not the problem, pain is the indication of a problem. We need to understand this properly. Now it’s time to understand that choosing a painkiller to avoid pain is not the option. Homeopathy works on the root cause of the disease by working on your natural healing power. 


Diet and Regimen – Before starting our healing journey one must give up the things that make us sick.This is the crucial step in getting healthy and preserving a healthy lifestyle. Homeopathy believes that each individual requires a personalized diet and regimen according to the disease,occupation and desires. If you observe closely,your cravings during illness helps you to heal quickly. 


Gentle way of healing – Homeopathy heals you gently! Homeopathic medicines are potentized medicines prepared from a variety of natural sources e.g. plants, animals,minerals. Homeopathic doses are simple and smaller and cause no harm to the body if taken as per advice of a Doctor. After taking homeopathic medicines you will experience changes in all aspects. It will improve your sleep pattern, appetite and you will feel energized because homeopathy believes in healing the person in disease rather than Disease in a person. 



Pleasant Taste – Homeopathic medicines are Sweet and liquid Doses taste like water. They can be consumed easily by all age groups. 


Self Care- Homeopathy believes that in order to preserve health one must make better choices. There is no shortcut for cure. Every person must take the accountability of choosing what is good for their health and what is not.Preserving health is a simple process yet hard to follow. Eg

  • Pursuing Hobby
  • Mindful eating 
  • Avoiding mental exertion for longer time
  • Getting enough sunlight 

These little things play an important role in healing. They are the real catalyst of your healing. Homeopathy helps you to experience the real essence of life. 


Now it’s time to reclaim your power!

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